Sunday, June 21, 2009

our summer in review so far

Yea Darrick!! He's 18 and getting the taste of Freedom upon Graduation!! Yea!!
that's right! Bubba graduated this year!! Class of '09! We are so proud of him!! He worked very hare for this and he conquered!! Great Job Bubba!! You will go far in life with the determination, talent, character, personality and drive that you posses! I love you so much!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo

The fresh smell of plastic toys, sunscreen and coconut oil. The feel of chlorine dried skin, and the look of golden brown skin!!!! I Love summer!! I had diligently been working on fixing the pool up for our summer fun-We have such hot days here that you can't pass up the pool.

~random question for the collard girls~
Do you two remember the time Daesha and I would take to set up a "Water Park" in our front yard?!?!?! I was telling Josh about this and how much fun we use to have as kids!! Ha Ha just a fun memory!!

Our pool is such a blessing! We love having pool parties. We've been lucky enough to have our College Bible study group ( the one we are helping run) at our house a few times this month, so one of the times we had a big pool party and BBQ. It was a Blast!! Our home is set up to entertain-we think the people who added on to it were definitely fun people-and we'd love to meet them. :) ha ha. We had people playing karaoke, Wii games, and lots of pool fun. And no. one jumped off of our roof into the pool. that would be to stressful for Josh and I. NOT! Unfortunately I have not brought my trembling body to actually jump. The ladder shakes as I come down it backwards an hour later.... :( One day! One day my friends. ha ha. That's one of my goals this summer-Look the fear in the face and leap right at it!!

The Boys!

This June we've had two friends leave to missions!! I know this next part sounds all snooty, but to protect the innocent the names cannot be mentioned ? ha ha. They are going to countries who have underground missions basically. So just a shout out to them and a prayer request for each of the on their journeys. Hopefully they are able to plant seeds....God Bless Friends :) We Love them!!
The hopeless feeling some have had thrown upon them in this economy is so harsh. I have started volunteering at a shelter here in Tucson called The Giving Tree Outreach. I was cutting an older man's hair as he tells me his story...Homeless, and without a vehicle any more, he woke up around 4 am to ride his bike many hours, in our heat, just to get his free hair cut. He was one of the nicest men. He was so grateful to receive a hair cut that He kept telling me to do as I wanted because "He was just grateful...not choosy". He was telling me how he had to get his hair cut to look nice for his passport photo he would be taking the next day. He had lost it and was headed by bus to Mexico. Homeless himself, He goes to Mexico to (volunteer) work building ranches for others to come together and live in. OH! that's when I started sobbing inside.... He builds houses for others when HE doesn't even have one. This man he has it figured out. .....Unconditional Love. I hope I get the privilege to speak with him again.
Right now me helping at the shelter is a little sketchy without employment because of state board. So please Pray nothing would happen to prevent me from helping there. Plus communication between The director and me has been stopped for right now. so I guess if I am suppose to be there I will be and if not then another opportunity like this I will just have to search for.
Our friends baby, Levi, is doing so much better. he was in the NICU at the hospital with his little respiratory distress going on. That was a time of many positive thoughts being sent his way, and the community getting together to help the rest of the family that couldn't go to the hospital. Thank goodness God isn't done with him here. :) Way to pull through our mighty soldier!!

The Breakfast Club

Josh and I just celebrated a friends wedding and got to celebrate our anniversary as well. Congrats Rachel and Alex!! That night as we watched you two we were thinking back to our special night and how you two will be in our spot in a little over a year. We stayed up there that night and celebrated our one year and two month anniversary :) The place we stayed at was amazing!! The whole exterior of the hotel/resort was lined in triangular cone like shapes with flat tops.

Of course the first thing out of my mouth, knowing my husband, was "look honey! they under estimated your sneakiness!" an inside kind of joke from a movie. He says "I could scale these walls-I want to climb these walls!!" the challenge in his eye was very intriguing and curious for me. I love my little ninja....Boys never grow to be men....they will always be little boys. So I got a picture of Joshy climbing the wall :) Ha Ha and who had to follow...? Me!! I did it to. It was a fun little dream of us being secret agents....oh the imagination we have together is something different. ha ha!! anyways, we had an absolute blast with each other ending our time there in sappy happiness and pure bliss....

Danarae: Danarae gazes up to Josh's eyes in adornment and hugs tightly to his arm as they walk away. "I'm so blessed to have you...." Taking her cheek and pressing to his bicep as she looks into the sun of the mid day.... (ha ha)

Joshua: Josh following quickly with "I know I am...." He looks down at her and kisses her head adoring her.

Awwwww....I know we're sappy. But were still newlyweds!!

Well June is now coming up to it's last week. Those are most of the highlights I can think to share with you all....June has been another great adventure for us. We hope it has been for all of our friends and family as well.
Love you all! Take Good Care!!


  1. Good grief Dana! You have had such a fun summer so far! I'm so so happy that you are putting up more pics and sharing your adventures. I was starting to get very impatient with you... looking at your blog... seeing no update... tapping my toes. Lucky for you, now I wont have to pummel your little A! You know I can Dana! You know I can!!!
    Of COURSE I remember the makeshift water park! The slip and slide! We were such heffalows belly flopping all over the place! Seriously, those few years we spent together on 9th street were my favorite childhood memories! We were so mangy... always in bare feet... seriously, I wish we had more pics of that time. We have some home videos of doing gymnastics in the basement of our malibu house and of course, doing a little wrestling--I was seriously such a brute!
    Anyway, you and your hub are so stinking cute! I can't believe we are all grown up and married! And I can't believe Darrick graduated! What in the world?!?!?!? Tell him congrats! I love you DANA!!!

  2. Dana you're gonna get it for being such a blog-tard!! Hahaha! Just kidding, I'm happy to help. NOW... to add a list of links go to your blog dashboard and then to layout. There will be a column on either your right or left hand side (depending how your page is arranged) under "add a gadget." One of the boxes will say "link list." Just click on that and you can start adding the links of our blogs there and then save to you page and VOILA!! As for emailing... I don't think you can through blogger. BUT you can have you comments show up directly into your email so you don't have to check you posts to know if you got a comment. To do that, go to your dashboard again, then to settings, then to comments and on the very bottom it will say "comment notification email." Just add your email there and save--very convenient! Ok, hopefully this makes sense. Let me know if your need any more clarification. Love you!

  3. Oh my goodness! Of course I remember slip and sliding all summer long!! We LOVED it!! And I remember rolling around in the dirt in the little area beside your house and then crawling into your parents bedroom window!! hahaha what little dirty gremlins we were!! AND do you remember de-pantsing Michael next door? Ya know, Jill's brother?? Was it you or was it me or was it Vanessa who de-pantsed him and got a swift punch in the middle of the shoulder blades?? hahahaha oh my gosh I love you!! Cute pics! I'm getting caught up because we have been so busy traveling around and I haven't looked at any blogs!!
