Monday, July 6, 2009

Ugh! Vanessa dear someone once told me you have to be smarter than the object you are operating-Well Blogger is kicking my but! I'm a blog's official.
So I did what you told me and it's not showing on this page? It shows up on my dashboard under the layout page but then doesn't show up on my page??? Any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Dana... I just noticed on Facebook what day it is and I immediately began blubbering to my husband. I wasn't close with Daesh for the last several years of her life but no matter what, no matter where I am, whenever I see or hear anything that has to do with her I lose it. I can't even look at your moms pictures. You and your family are the best people I have ever known. Period. I love you so much. I wish I could be there with you today. I know you will have such a sweet reunion with your beautiful sissy after this life. I love you and am thinking about you!
