Sunday, January 4, 2009

Wahoo we're Bloggers!!

Hey Guys! Josh and I are so excited to finally be on here! We are on a couple of other web pages but this one mainly to stay in touch with my good childhood friends Nessa and Mera! I'm so excited to share pictures with you girls and see who else is on the good 'ol Blogger.
Ps. Ha Ha I got him into a cowboy hat!! Ye Haw!!


  1. Dana Dana Dana! Oh my gosh, so funny... your background is the EXACT same blog background that mine was until like a week ago! We are the same sister! I'm so excited to see your beautiful face. I miss you! You guys are so cute I can't handle it! I can't wait to see more pictures and to stalk you from here on out! You're gonna regret the day you invited me in to your blogging life, Danarae! I'm never gonna leave you alone!!! Now, you tell your hubby to watch out because the first time I meet him, he's gonna get wrestled as an initiation into our exclusive gang... you knew it would have to happen someday! Dana, I love you! I'm so happy to be in touch!

  2. NESSA!!!! I've missed you for waaaaayyyy too long! LOL! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?!?!?!?! I love you girl!
    So you will have to help guide me along this blogger process cause i'm not so sure how to even get to your page without typing in your url code-hehe so i give you permission to stalk me. :)
    I started cracking up when I read your comment: "Now, you tell your hubby to watch out because the first time I meet him, he's gonna get wrestled as an initiation into our exclusive gang... you knew it would have to happen someday!" I forgot about that!!! LOL!!! How do you do it again- I can't get the legs right??? LOL!! That is an awesome memory. I miss us so much!! haha
    I think we need to plan a friendship reunion!! What do you think? We can come to San Fransisco or you all to Tucson Arizona? Maybe we can get over there since you all just came to az. You'll have to let me know everytime you come down to pheonix now. that's way too close to us for me not to come see you!!!! :)
    So are these comments public? I would write my phone number to you but i think i'll just email it. How often do you check your email? I'm getting much better at it. I try to check it once a day. weekends i don't really check it unless it's when we're just relaxing and watching t.v. late at night. Oh! I miss you so much!! I can't wait to get to meet your hubby and little princess too!! Do you check this blogger more than once a day or your myspace more than once? I know your distracted with your little one so just wondering when a good time to write to you is before you check your accounts.
    Love you and I'm so thrilled-NO ECSTATIC!!! that we are in touch again-I NEVER WANNA LOSE THAT MUCH TIME FROM EACH OTHER AGAIN! I love and treasure your family so dearly as one of my family memebers. WE HAVE SO MUCH TO CATCH UP ON!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxo
